Collaborative Research Project


Our group consisted of Aubrie Olsen, Julianne Janocha, and Olivia Orlando.  The collaborative research question that our group focused on was: "How do people with restricted diets eat?"  We became interested in this topic through Olivia's cousin.  Once we realized she had a food restriction, we thought of another friend that has a different food restriction.  The project included interviewing two women, Elizabeth Mason who has a disorder called I.B.S. and Jessie Lynch who has celiac disease.  Both of these disorders cause the women to alter their diets and effect the way they live their lives.  We uploaded our video clips onto You Tube.  This made it easier to upload it on to our Prezi presentation.   We also used cook books for gluten-free eating and vegan eaters for our research.  Our final sources were medical articles that discuss the hardships of eating out in restaurants and what food allergies are.  While we chose to narrow our research to focus on I.B.S. and celiac disease, there are many other medical conditions that we could have researched.  Based on the interviews and different resources the project made us more aware of what people with restricted diets experience and how the food industry has adapted to help them eat. 


Aubrie, Olivia, and Julianne have researched people with food restrictions for our project.  We interviewed Elizabeth Mason who has IBS and Jessie Lynch who has Celiac disease.  Celiac disease forces people to not eat foods with gluten.  We decided to take an alternative route and create a Prezi for our collaborative research project.  Our Prezi shows the definitions of Celiac disease and IBS, the restrictions at home, and the restrictions at restaurants.  Within these parts are clips of Elizabeth and Jessie describing their diseases and how they try and eat out.  Below you will find our project.  Enjoy!


This project was very interesting to conduct.  It began in one direction focusing on fast food and took a turn midway for practical reasons to focus on restricted diets.  The technology used in the research process were video cameras, You Tube, Viddler, and Prezi.  While the technology was new and not always cooperative we were able to make it work.  Our group worked individually and together.  We each researched and interviewed different information needed for the research.  However during class time we were able to actually work together to complete the project.  The research process was changing and we had to learn new forms of technology but the project was able to come together.

Reflecting on the final project and what we learned begs the question: "So what?" So what does it matter that we learned about two medical conditions and that people live with food restrictions?  How does this effect us and what can we do with this knowledge?  While there is no clear cut answer for how to act in general, the knowledge that people live with food restrictions should make us all move sensitive.  Not in an emotional way but it a way that spurs us to action.  

After being asked the question, "So what?" the suggestion given to elimate this question was look at the positives.  Our project looks into the changes, in a somewhat negative fashion, the two people had to make.  The suggestion given was to look at how the participates weight has changed.  The participates may have experienced weight loss due to their new diet and that would have looked at a positive outcome of a negative situation.